
The SSR Recreation Sector Project, the first one to promote the SSR Programme as the New Generation of Stress Management, unfolds since March 2007. The SSR Programme is going to be launched on the market by selected fitness & wellness providers from Belgrade, Serbia, in September.

SSR 007: The Licence to Get Rid of Stress!



1. Frequently Asked Questions

I am aware of occasional stress in my life, but there are no related symptoms. Why would I need something like SSR Programme?

     Although your coping mechanisms seem fine at present, it should be remembered that stress has a cumulative effect. There are many people who “cope” by ignoring the causes of problems or by suppressing reactions to stressors. If our coping is improper, inner defences wear-out over the time, and, before we know it, we may end-up with some stress-related ailment.
     The SSR Programme has preventive and protective properties not only in terms of stress, but also in terms of other hazards related to health and well-being at all levels.

Is the SSR Programme a substitute to conventional treatments?

     The whole point of the SSR Programme is to assist a person in ways that will help not to get in a situation to need a treatment. It is a process of adopting healthy lifestyles, learning how to deal with stress, how to attain more quality of life.
     Those with impaired health and/or other difficulties and disadvantages should seek professional help first. The SSR Programme is not a substitute but a complement to conventional approaches. Moreover, the SSR Programme is all about putting into practice the customary advice received from health and other professionals – THE KNOW-HOW. Besides, most of the SSR Programme instructors will be health professionals themselves, and will work in close liaison with professionals in other related fields.

Do I stop taking my medication if I get better during the SSR course?

     It would not be wise to act on your own – whether to stop taking medication altogether or make changes. You should consult the therapist who prescribed your medication and describe the changes in your condition. If your medication was “self-prescribed”, it is yet another reason to see a professional in reference to your former condition.

I have had more pressure at work lately. I’ d like to enrol the SSR Course, but I feel I would benefit more if I postponed a little, until thing
s ease up at work. What would be the best time to start?

     Ideally, your employer would introduce the SSR Programme as health and safety measure at work, and you would not have to worry about when. Otherwise, the best time to start should have been two months ago (duration of SSR Course). Procrastination is described as an inner conflict where we act at odds with our stated, conscious intentions. It increases the price we have to pay, eventually, for not doing the right thing at the right time. If possible, the right time should be sooner rather than later.

Are there any age limits?

A similar programme in UK is offered to students in their early teens, and elderly speak for themselves in the testimonials, next.

2. Testimonials

This collection of holistic testimonials emanated at the proposal of the very trainees, who experienced major improvements in the quality of their lives – through improvement of the parameters related to the mental-emotional-physical health and interpersonal relations, followed by reintegration into normal life.

(No. / initials / profession / gender / year of birth)

( 1 )         S. J. / retired professor of literature / F / 1936

      Novalis, a German philosopher and a poet said that a man must gain power over his body and soul. The matter and energy, the body and the spirit – it is all one.
     In despair, separation, pointlessness, and loneliness due to the death of my husband who had also been my companion and above all, a friend, a guide and support, I ran out of steam. The tragic event started leaving traces on my physical appearance as well. I became withdrawn, I refrained myself from my friends, even from acquaintances. I felt pain everywhere; I was feverish, I had insomnia, I did not eat, I did not walk – and I painted myself into a corner.
     A friend was persistent in persuading me to join in the work of the group, for the purpose of exercises and companionship, to start moving around, and to listen to other people's anxieties– within the workshops.
     Initially, I experienced the work in a group as a burden, because of my impatience and nervousness. And then, little by little, I started accepting the work in a group following the others in relaxation and exercises, explanations as to what was going on to them, slowly understanding that my problem is not so terrible. I started accepting my condition and myself differently, I started literally to revive - my body started reviving.
     I learnt that for everything that hurts, either the body or the soul, there must be a solution within the exercises we do during the workshop. It is a big trouble to make yourself do something good for yourself when you are lonely. In a group work everybody exercises so you do it too - there is no delaying there.
     Reborn after 8 weeks and trained to apply what I had learnt, I started looking after myself and life around me again. I started going out for a walk, following the cultural and artistic events and travelling to other towns. I started living again.
     I thank Predrag Stankovic, my lady friend who persuaded me to attend the course and I thank God for my rebirth. I only wish this peace and balance would last. I must and want to continue exercising.

February 2002

( 2 )         B. K. / unemployed, formerly the director of a pre-school institution / F / 1949

      I met Mr. Predrag Stankovic in 1994, when, after a number of family tragedies, including the death of my husband, I felt I was loosing strength and that I was becoming depressed. After individual treatments, I joined group exercises for 6 weeks, I got fully recovered, restored optimism, and established my inner balance. I think it helped me get through the period that followed, which was particularly difficult with regard to the working obligations, great responsibilities, existential problems, the 1999 bombardment, …I got through all of it relatively easily, without any stresses and without a single illness.
     In 2001, I looked for Predrag Stankovic to help my friend who got in a state of grave depression (this refers to Mrs. S. J.). I was present to the individual treatment, which yielded an extraordinarily good result. Both of us attended a stress management course and we both feel well now.
     I personally feel secure, balanced, with lots of positive energy, which is noticed by the people around me as well.

February 2002

( 3 )         Z. V. / housewife – pensioner / F / 1943

      With time, my life problems have accumulated: material, emotional, health problems, and the grave illness of my son. Despite all efforts, I could not manage to relax; I was slowly becoming depressed. In my chest, I felt a great tension and weight and I did not know how to get rid of it. For 10 years now, as of the death of my husband, I have had a high blood pressure and some 7-8 years ago, I got a heart arrhythmia. During the regular check-up with the cardiologist five months ago, an intensified heart arrhythmia was identified despite my regular taking of my medications.
     At my daughter's suggestion, I started attending a stress management course with Predrag Stankovic. Although I had difficulties in the beginning in doing the exercises in a proper way, with time I managed to harmonise my thoughts with regular breathing and physical exercises.      After each workshop I felt more relaxed, and my joints and muscles functioned better. After four weeks of exercises the discomfort in my chest started suddenly dwindling. This used to happen in the finishing parts of the workshops during the exercises called “rooting”. I would clearly feel the tension and the weight in my chest, which I physically experienced as a ball of discomfort, melt away and spontaneously discharging from me through my feet. What was left was a feeling of a great relief and peace. Several weeks later, there was nothing left out of the “ball”.
      My life problems are still present, but I cope with them more easily. Owing to regular exercising I have become more relaxed. This was also confirmed by my cardiologist just before the end of the course in January 2002 – I no longer have heart arrhythmia. I have continued to apply the exercises I was trained to do even after the course ended. My last check-up with the cardiologist in July 2002 revealed a high but, for a change, stable blood pressure and no heart arrhythmia.
     I wish to stress that socialising during the training course meant a lot to me. It is easier to exercise in a group than when one is alone. It was particularly helpful that we were enabled to share our impressions after each segment of the workshop, to exchange experiences … It was like some kind of a therapy. After each workshop, we would drink something refreshing and get to know one another. After completion of the training course, we have stayed in touch and have met occasionally, got together and offered support to each other.

August 2002

( 4 )         D. Z. / retired teacher / F / 1930

      My situation was very difficult because of my problem with my hips (I am waiting for the second artificial hip to be implanted), absence of motion (I have not been out of my home for the past few months), and a lot of tension related to my private and everyday life.
     The exercises from the stress management course have helped me in many ways: to become more relaxed, to move better, not to have any more pains in my back, and even the itching of my upper eyelids, which had lasted for three months, has stopped.
     My insomnia, due to which I had to take as much as three sleeping pills every evening, has been pretty much alleviated; the period before falling asleep has been shortened and I take only one pill.

February 2002

( 5 )         D. B. / bank clerk, made redundant in the process of transition / F / 1956

      My problems appeared in 1996. They were manifested in the form of fits and phobia. My visits to the general practitioner did not help, so I started thinking about going to the Institute of Mental Health Care. My friends, my doctor as well, told me not to go there because that would create a bad image about me; particularly because my problems were not visible. However, I felt bad, I needed help and I did not care about what would others think because of my visits to a psychiatrist. The treatment lasted 6 months and it was successful. After the NATO bombardment in 1999, my problems came back, in a somewhat changed form - which scared me more so. The bad attitude of a new psychiatrist, in the same health care institution, forced me to desist from any further treatment.
     I met Predrag Stankovic at a suggestion of a friend who knew about my health problems. By the end of April 2001, I started attending a stress management course. During those 8 weeks my difficulties completely disappeared. In the period that followed, I did not exercise at home, because I prefer work in groups above all. In November, my old difficulties started surfacing again. Luckily, soon - as early as December, I started attending Predrag's course again. It took place in my apartment, and those who attended it were the people from our neighbourhood. My state soon got back to normal, although a few weeks after the beginning of the course, I was made redundant as a bank clerk. The positive effect of the exercises lasted until April 2002, although I again did not exercise in the meantime.
     Based on all of the above, my conclusion is that the treatments and exercises are absolutely of help to me, but I am still not able to motivate myself to exercise on my own. I find that it would help a lot if such type of exercises could be available on the local level continuously so that I could join in the work when I feel a need for it and thus avoid using medications. I trust that in time I could become capable of doing exercises on my own at home.
     I had support of my family to attend the course, thanks to the positive results that were promptly noticeable. Even my children who are 19 years old adopted some of the exercises that helped me. The doctor I am treated by in the Community Health Centre, my friend as well, had big reserves as to the healing effect of the individual treatments and attendance of the course held by Predrag Stankovic. She thought that all my problems came from my head and that I ought to solve them alone.

August 2002

( 6 )         A. D. / lawyer in a social work institution / M / 1973

      I met Predrag Stankovic when he was a guest in the night program of a Belgrade radio station where I worked as an associate journalist. We met by the end of 1993, at a time of the biggest crisis that struck Yugoslavia. The war in the neighbouring regions, the climax of hyperinflation, collapse of economy and institutions of the system as well as the state of general chaos and despair resulted in a complete precipitation of all systems of values and humanity.
     In those circumstances it seemed to me quite unbelievable when I heard the topics by which Predrag addressed the audience. Things, such as return to spirituality, holistic health, complementary medicine, overall dedication to peace, tolerance and prosperity in the territory of the former Yugoslavia in that moment were the things that were least popular, or at least they were very seldom spoken about in public. Those who would dare to talk about it in public were exposed to a danger of being marked from the establishment at that time and be qualified as “local traitors” or “foreign mercenaries”.
     I remember it was with great interest that I listened to Predrag's guest appearance and that I later felt a need to listen again to the topics he was engaged in. By chance or destiny, we met again by the end of 1999 at the wedding ceremony of a mutual friend to whom Predrag helped to successfully overcome a grave illness.
     On that occasion I learnt about Predrag's Prevention and Rehabilitation Program for Stress-Related Disorders. In May 2001, I joined the eight-week course.
     Apart from my interest in complementary medicine, I also decided to attend the stress management course because of a lot of stress at my work place, as well as because of my spine problem (I have the upper part of my backbone surgically fixed). I was pleasantly surprised to discover during the workshops that the exercises are not too demanding physically and that they helped me to overcome the physical limitations I have due to my existing condition.
     From the mental point of view, the results were visible already after the third week of the course. My colleagues in the institution of social affairs where I work with clients, noticed that I was much more relaxed while working, in a better mood, more productive and that my attitude towards the clients was far more kind and helpful/accommodating. At home as well, my wife noticed that I devoted more time to my family, I was a more caring father, less tense and nervous, ready to help in household chores. All in all, my physical and mental state was considerably improved after the course. Occasionally, I applied the knowledge acquired within the course in the situations of mental strain and nervousness; it would then help me for a short while. Yet, I find that work in a group is far more the most productive and most inspiring, that individuals, through exchange of personal and collective experiences can achieve the best results. At least it was the case with me, because the work in a group initiates maximum commitment and proper application of the knowledge acquired.
     Maybe it would be good to have a possibility, after those eight weeks of the course, for the individuals from the group to continue gathering together at least once a month (or once in two months); it could considerably help them maintain the level of commitment to a healthy way of living.

August 2002

( 7 )         I. S. / doctor specialising psychiatry, unemployed / F / 1965

      In the middle of 1998, I first felt tired followed by a pain in my joints which soon started to swell and fail (all except the spinal ones); my state was accompanied by seizures of exhaustion and increased body temperature (up to 40 C), diagnosed in the beginning of 1999, as Coxsackie virulence and polyarthritis virulence. My condition was much more dramatic than it can be described in a short text. Three to five times a day I used to take a handful of expensive medicines and vitamins that very little alleviated the symptoms, first of all the pain, but which had very negative side effects due to which even to this very day I suffer consequences (gestational diabetes due to prolonged taking of Pronison). The seizures of high temperature became more frequent, three times a week, and the pain was stronger and stronger.
I met Predrag Stankovic when I was already seriously ill, almost immobile in August 1999. In a long introductory conversation he pointed to the factors that contribute to successful healing: positive attitude, healthy way of life, relying on ones own forces, relaxation and inner peace… he told me that his work would trigger the process of my recovery, but that I also have to contribute to it. All this helped to diminishing of the previous doubts and resistance in me, to step into the unknown world of medicine whose doors Predrag left ajar for me with much more hope and confidence.
     The first individual treatment stopped the seizures of high temperature and reduced the pain by 50 percent; a week later, I was taking twice less the medicines and felt far better. The treatments were done once in ten days and in between them I practised certain things Predrag advised me to do, which later turned out to be an integral part of the SSR Programme.
During the first three months of treatments I had only 2-3 additional seizures of pain (they lasted shorter and I coped with them easier) and of high temperature (it did not exceed 38 C); tachycardia was diminished from 150 to 90; the deformations of my joints were gradually withdrawing. All this triggered me to adopt Predrag's suggestion regarding the healthier way of living. Formerly, I used to get upset about trifles, but now even major issues could not knock me out. I also switched to the macrobiotic food for several months. The combination of treatments, support, my exercises, and diet without meat delivered the decisive blow to the disease.
     I soon continued with my specialisation and worked with the most delicate psychiatric patients full working hours. I exercised the way Predrag thought me, several times a day; sometimes even in the middle of my work (discretely, invisibly for the observers) in case I felt a need.
     In the spring of 2000, the deformities of my joints almost completely disappeared. My lady doctor rheumatologist was fascinated, and I completely stopped taking medicines. After three months (that take for the body to get rid of the side effects of the medicines) my boyfriend and I decided to make a family. We married that fall and, in February of 2001, I became pregnant. I had to maintain my pregnancy. Predrag's treatments and exercises alleviated my difficulties. I gave birth naturally to a healthy and thriving boy. I still do the exercises.
     Only two years ago, I thought that I would never be able to dance again, that I would never be able to be a mother, that I would not be able to do the job I was educated for, and I also did not know how long I would live. The quality of my life was such that it did not mean much to me that I was still alive, because the prognosis of my illness suggested an increasingly aggravated condition with disability. Now, I live normally, including all the commitments with regard to my family.
     What was the worst to me while I was ill was the loss of human dignity. Hardly mobile and without money, without force to wait in long queues – I was referred from one doctor to another – to numerous expensive analyses, I was recommended medicines I could not afford and thereby, my condition was growing even worse. In the end, I had luck, thanks to my acquaintance with Predrag. This kind of treatment is not available to other patients and so I talk about my experience to my acquaintances in need. It would be great if there were an organised way of rendering this kind of assistance. Health is a matter of personal struggle and possibility of choice. I would like if the patients in my country could have such a choice.

September 2002

( 8 )         J. S. / entrepreneur, M.Sc., electrical engineer / M / 1938

      Persuaded by a friend (S. J. / 1), I asked for help Predrag Stankovic. The main reason was a health disorder diagnosed as blepharophasmus esencialis (particularly frequent involuntary closing of eyelids), the consequence of which is aggravated work and communication, avoiding company, inability to drive, etc.
     The exercises done during the workshop are not difficult and always result in some kind of a relaxed state: on the physical, emotional and mental level in addition to alleviation of existing symptoms.
     My main health problem, the one with the eyelids, has not been eliminated upon completion of the eight-week stress management course, by the end of January 2002. I think that psychosomatic causes have not been completely identified, however, it is also true that I did not do the exercises outside the workshops. In the period of particularly improved state of my eyelids, during the course, I used to work on the computer as long as 10 hours a day, I had long night drives and other particularly hard physical strains. Additionally, I was under a constant general stress due to my personal and family reasons. P. Stankovic warned me on two occasions that I put too much strain on my eyes, which are still in a stage of recovery. I ignored the advice given.
     There were also unexpected improvements during the course: 1) My body posture was “spontaneously” improved, particularly of the spine. The feeling of “prickling” along the sciatic nerve of the right thigh was also lost forever. The cause of the above symptoms is a major traffic accident that took place in 1974 and injury of the spine (fractura compresiva L2 and L3); 2) Proper breathing influenced the unblocking of mental activities and a feeling that my mind is much more clear.
     All in all, the work in a group brings the notion that there are also other distressed people to whom official medicine does not help, as well as the pleasure that the anti-stress Programme of Predrag Stankovic has a degree of universality and that it helps to mitigate most diverse difficulties. This gives food for thought as to how to involve social forces in order to verify this methodology and make it an official scientific discipline. Thereby it is important to point out that none of the existing scientific disciplines would be undermined. On the other hand, a great number of those in distress, whose healing is beyond the reach of the official medicine, could join in this Programme with great chances for a recovery or mitigation of difficulties/suffering and thereby improvement of the quality of their lives.

November 2002

( 9 )         I. S. / foreign language teacher and student of pedagogy (third year) / F / 1961

      I met Predrag Stankovic during the education in psychodrama (group psychotherapy) in 1993. I took part in two of his promotional workshops he organised for some members of the above education group in 1994. I recall that the content of the workshops instigated relaxation, feeling of freedom and joy. As if a heavy burden has been lifted from my shoulders, I realised that nothing is so black and frightening, I felt joy and understood that life is beautiful. The other participants at the workshops had a positive opinion with similar impressions as well; particularly with respect to the feeling of lightness in the emotional, mental, and physical being and great life energy instigated within that animated us. The workshops were of a self-development type, intended to introspection, activation of the personality potential and mental-emotional-physical balance.
     As the years went by I was only occasionally in contact with Predrag because I stopped my education in psychodrama. In November 2001, Predrag called me and told me that he was preparing a stress management course, which is implemented in 8 workshops, once a week. I remember the comment of my parents: “Predrag always calls in the right time – when you are most vulnerable". They were happy I was going to attend the stress management course in view of my good experience from 1994.
     The new developments in my life were really grave and painful. After a marriage that did not work since I could not have children (despite numerous treatments I was subjected to, in order to enable compensation of certain flaws of my partner, resulting in complications that affected my health), at the age of 41, I was in new relationship and pregnant for the first time in my life. Unfortunately, in the middle of September 2001, in the third month of my pregnancy I had a spontaneous miscarriage. My mother did not take this situation well, which triggered major health disorders in her. After a month of testing, it was recommended that she should undergo operation of the heart valve. All this worried me and put more strain on me because I feared for the life of my mother having, at the same time, the feeling of guilt. Subsequently it turned out that my tragedy only accelerated the process that had been under way – as a consequence of a rheumatic fever.
     As to the stress management program of Predrag Stankovic, the work units within the workshops are not demanding or difficult in and of themselves – it is easy to take part. However, my state at that time caused high physical tension in the major part of my body; I also felt a high tension in my psyche, which was expressed as a feeling of great weight, occasionally even pain in my chest. For the above reasons some of the physical exercises were initially very painful, but the pain disappeared in the course of six weeks. The same happened to the feeling in the chest – I felt increasingly better, week in week out. Predrag’s notes actually indicate that I managed to be present to his workshops only 3 times – in the second, third, and sixth week. I trust that this even more demonstrates the quality and efficiency of the contents intertwined in one workshop that lasted two and half-hours, for a smaller group. Finally, when I went for cardiological check-ups, my results were good. The doctor said that my health problems from the previous period had been the consequence of stress.
     It is also interesting to mention the changes in my mental state. Owing to the abrupt aggravation of my mother’s health I did not have time or opportunity to get over my grief. Hence I could not concentrate and study. In December, I learnt that my mother would undergo a heart surgery in February 2002. Then I started to pay attention to myself. However, each attempt to prepare my exam in development psychology (which deals with child’s psychological development, but also the development of embryo), would end up in tears. By the end of the stress management course, I could already study without tears, and two weeks after the termination of the course, the problems with concentration also disappeared. I passed the exam in the first available examination period with mark 8 (grading 6 to 10).
     During the course, I exercised at home 2-3 times a week – when I felt like it. I enjoyed the physical exercises most, as well as the exercise of “rooting”, which instantly eliminated the accumulated tensions, particularly the emotional/mental ones. Establishing of the inner balance meant to me most. Before the course, I had been in a state of chronic fatigue; I would even wake up tired. After the course, I got my vital energy back and all the bad symptoms that accompanied me in the previous period were eliminated. If a person would daily devote little time to the work units from Predrag’s Programme, I am sure that their quantity of daily stress would be reduced and the quality of life improved. I find the work in a group very stimulating for an individual to get to grips with their problems and to get support for their solving.

June 2003

( 10 )       K. F. / professional interpreter / F / 1949

      I first met Mr. Predrag Stankovic in 1994, through a friend of mine whom he taught in the area of complementary medicine. The problems due to which I needed his assistance were mainly related to the nature of my occupation. As a professional interpreter I have always been under the pressure of short deadlines, urgent and important assignments, late offers, in short – under a great stress. On the other hand, I had family obligations, towards my children and their schooling, towards my mother, etc. Harmonisation and fulfilling of family and business obligations tended to be increasingly harder each year. This had consequences in the sense of fatigue, jitters, quarrels with the children, etc.
     I first attended the stress management course of Mr. Stankovic in the summer of 2001 and then again as of December the same year. The course is very well conceived, the exercises are not demanding, gradually they can be done properly by anyone. Group work is also useful because people can see that the others also have various problems and that one's own problems are not the worst ones. Communication is also useful for those who do not have much chance to have fun together.
     At home, I do the exercises whenever I have time, most often in the morning. After the exercises I feel as new. Occasionally I go to a neighbour of mine who has also completed the course, and I exercise with her as well. I feel much better and can help myself when I am under stress. I do the exercises and start anew. I can normally communicate with the people around me and control the situation. I would recommend this course to everybody – it is good for adults and I think adolescents would benefit too.

June 2003

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